Tunca River, the Balkans, Bulgaria and flowing in Turkey, is one of the Meriç River arm.
Tunca Bridge is the first bridge that connects Edirne and Karaağaç. The actual name of the bridge is Ekmekçizade Ahmet Paşa Bridge.
The bridge was built by Sedefkar Mehmet Ağa, the chief architect of the period, by the order of Ekmekcizade Ahmet Pasha, the head of provincial treasury, between 1607-1615 and presented to Sultan Ahmed I.
The bridge has ten arches on eleven abutments. The arches are circular Right in the middle of the bridge is a kiosk. There are drainage units in the abultments under the kiosk and pyramidal fender pilets are located beneath.
The marble inscription on the kiosk wall was writeten by Şerif Efendi, Qadi of Edirne.