In this ection, a picture of Evliya Chelebi, his writings on darüşşifa and the foundation of the complex in his Seyahatname, the units of the complex and paintings of darüşşifa are exhibited. Ottoman surgery in the 15th Century is presented through paintings taken from “Cerrahiyet-ül Haniye” by Dr. Sabuncuoğlu Şerafeddin from Amasya, a famous Ottoman surgeon of the 15th century.

In here, the darüşşifas established in Anatolia in the Anatolian Seljuk and Ottoman periods are presented. In the kitchen section that is located on the left side of the first courtyard, the tray presented by Gülten Mayadağ, the principal of Edirne Girls Technical-Vocational Anatolain High School, copper kitchenware and Kerim Ünver’s presents are exhibited.

In The Section of Pharmaceuticial room, the development of pharmacy and extracts from metaria Medica by Dioscorides are presented. Moreover, plant samples in jars, which were once used as medicine can be seen. Postcards are exhibited in the “Exhibition Room” which is thought to have been built in addition to the rooms next to the first courtyard.

In the infectious disease department, scientist who dealed with infectious diseases that posed a huge threat to mankind throughout history are introduced. The development ofmedical science throughout history is presented here.

The medical tools in display cabinets belong to people who worked in Edirne as doctors and they have been donated to the musems by themselves or their relavites after their passing. The Prof. Dr. A. Sühely Ünver room, in the second courtyard was used as the pharmacy when the darüşşifa was working.

Today, Dr. Sühely Ünver is introduced with his paintings, books, photographs that reveat his efforts in the founding of the Faculy of Medicine and the wreath that bears the emblem of Edirne Faculty of Medicine, which he designed himself. The first courtyard is decorated with flowers, Mübeccel Korkmaz, retired teacher, gave the fish pond in her own garden and the fountain stone which is now located between the toilets and the first room by the entrance, as a present to the museum. Old Edirne had a specific water culture and ponds were integral elements of the old Edirne houses.

This pond, which Mübeccel Korkmaz presented to the musem, is one of the last examples remaining from old Edirne houses. On the cloistered platform in the first courtyard, guests can buy books, postcards and brochures related to the Complex of Sultan Bayezid II as well as almond paste, deva-i misk and mis soaps that are all special to Edirne Culture. When the museums was opened, Dr Rıfat Osman Bey room was opposite Sühely Ünver Room.

Dr Rıfat Osman Bey, one of our first radiologists who was in love with Edirne is introduced. Apart from these, in the second courtyard, the change in 2003, the director’s room is moved to another room in the first courtyard. This section was exhibited in its original form until 2000. However, concerts were given on the music stage by Trakya University State Conservatory and exhibitions were held on occasion. By 2000, the revilalization of this chapter has been concerned in accordance with its own period and it was arranged as the Psychiatric History Department by the Readaptation Associaliton of Mental Patients.